
Lukasz is a graduate of Automation and Robotics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.

All his time, he devotes to the development of many projects. He is the administrator of many sites, blogs, portals (as well as www.lixenyo.com).

In his career, he was manager of music and entertainment portal TopClub.pl, he participated in many projects related to industrial automation and LabVIEW. Lukasz is a young person who knows what he wants from life. Surely more than once you will see his signature on many projects.

For days and nights he develops his skills such as: PLC programming, electrical engineering, LabVIEW skills, process automation, and much more.

Most of his free time he spends with friends, and the rest of the time he devoted to his interests.

Posted by December 10th, 2019